EasyPal Post Processor
As you know well, EasyPal HYBRID Server has been stopped. We threfore have to use my server. If we have no own server, can't send picture any more. Of cource, after receiving the station who use their own server, we can use their FTP server with using their ID and Password. So, here is program which uses no FTP server but HTTP server for receiving station. There are two server on this progrm, one is your own server and the other is HYBRID server for no own server. Also This program uses only Normal mode so please check off HYBRID and User Defined Server. |
All necessary files are included in JT65-HF Image Controller setup exe. Please remind if you are not user of JT65-HF Image Controller, you would not run this program. Because this will use many set up files in the JT65-HF Image Controller. |
Setting for Server Data 1 1. Input your Call. 2. Input your FTP server name same as EasyPal FTP data. 3. Input your user ID for FTP server same as EasyPal. 4. Input your Password for FTP server same as EasyPal. 5. Input your Web Directory server same as EasyPal if any. 6. Check to start this program 7. Check to close pop up window automatically. 8. Check to up load received picture to DigiSite. 9. Check to up load received HTML or video to DigiSite. 10. Check to over write to Gif animation with still picture. 11. Check to receive and show picture and HTML with normal EasyPal mode. cmd file will be used to send picture. 12. When receive picture, Kind of image, his call and his SNR will be displayed. 13. Received file name |
Setting for Server Data 2 1. Input your URL for digisite accroding to FTP server configured on FTP Tabl. 2. Press "Check Hybrid Serever" button, If HYBRID sever for this program is running, color will be changed to "Blue", if not color is "Red". When color is Blue, you can use HYBRID server. This means that you can enjoy sending and receiving picture like Easyal HYBRID mode. If color is Red, you must use your own server. |
Setting for Program start timming 1. When received EasyPal HYBRID picture, this program start to show picture on pop up window after this value second. Too short will stop EasyPal and it depends upon your PC speed. 2. Pop up window size and location will be tested this button. 3. Show received Picture or HTML. |
Sending your Picture with CMD file mode. 1. Select using server, My Server or Hybrid Server. When Hybrid Serve is stopped like left picture, only your server can use for this program. 2. Copy your picture to clip board, then click picture box or press "Paste" button. Your picture will be displayed on the picture box. To copy your picture to clip board, you can use your own picture editer or JT65-HF HTML Front program 3. Then click "CMD send" button. |
Sending your Picture with CMD file mode. 1. Then EasyPal LoadAny will be open 2. and select EasyPal forlder in JT65-HT Controller folder. 3. Select your call.cmd file 4. Then Click "OK" button. 5. Click "Transmit" Button on EasyPal with Normal mode not HYBRID mode. |
From JT65-HF HTML Front. 1. Of cource you can use JT65-HF HTML Front program. Check Only Normal(DMD File) w/My Server. 2. Then Click "To EasyPal" button on Picture Tab or HTML tab. In case of using EasyPal Post, Only Picture will be OK for EasyPal cmd mode. From Front you can send HTML if you have own server. |